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Plant your Dream Seeds


It is not enough to be able to drop your body 

as easily as a bathrobe, take flight like the eagle, 
enter the hollow hills, talk with angels,
and dance among the stars.

We must make the return.


We must live in this world and be gardens
for the dreams that want to take root in it.


Robert Moss, Dreaming True~


Well-Come to the Garden, Beloveds …

we've been waiting for YOU!

Greetings and glad tidings, Beloveds ~

What if …
Birthing a New Reality
is as simple as planting a 


Dream Seed?


As you contemplate and consider
this cosmic possibility  …

Give yourself a deep breath .. 

feel the








connecting you to


Now take a moment to

connect deeply to the

Heart of YOU,

where the

Light of Love lives

and all things are possible.



What do you see?


What visions,

passionate promptings



are waking within?


The Dreams we carry and foster in our lives are like seeds.  
They occupy the sacred space of our Hearts,
and with Gratitude
daily tender,
 bring each to fruition
 by our intention,

As we continue to evolve and unfold the
big, Big, BIG dream,
vision and mission
we began with Go Gratitude,
we feel in
every fiber of our being the
time is NOW
to come together, to
focus whole-heartedly on our dreams
Birth New Reality
into being

as One Heart,

One World,

One Love.


"Coming Together in Responsible Action, we make a difference" ~ Maria Yraceburu


So we've prepared a 

sacred garden space 

to plant Dream Seeds —

to set intention, 

leverage collective focus with


Power of Appreciation

and enjoy a birds-eye view 

of the beauty contained within the

hearts of our

Family of Gratitude.



We're also preparing for a new
42 day series, set to begin January 1.  More on this to follow …


For now, this is your official invitation to Come plant a Dream Seed!

Beloveds, we have seen first-heart the brilliance, co-creative genius
and diverse gifts that exist within our family of Gratitude. The time
is now to bring these to Light, to inspire one another and choose
to go, grow and SHINE!

Our goal is to have our Dream Seed garden filled by January 1st, so
please pass this along to your friends, families and networks, too.
Together we are better … and it's always more fun to co-create as ONE!

Our Dream Seed garden is just the beginning … so much more is
taking root, as we shoot for the stars by tendering the dreams in
our Hearts!

In case you're wondering,

'What exactly is a Dream Seed?' …

we've 'peaced' together a short, power-filled video to inspire,

uplift and prepare the landscape within for the task-at-heart.
Be sure to watch it all the way through … we've included a
Dream Seed spontaneously offered by the youngest member
of our home-grown family.

Fair warning - you may wish to have a tissue handy. ;-)



So, without further adieu … 

Well-Come to the Garden, Beloveds … we've been waiting for YOU!

Saleena Ki: I was excited to see this creative way of getting us to "plant seeds" since we have been working in co-creation with the whales to host your New Paradise Earth Seeds. Here is a way to prepare your seeds alchemically before planting. 9-9 Prepare to Plant your New Earth SEEDs-Ongoing



in Love, Light, and Blooming Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude

p.s.  Take notice … this changes everything!  :-)

p.p.s.  Plant your Dream Seed today …

where focus goes, energy flows.

So be wild,

daring …

 tossing all

doubts and excuses

into the compost pile.

It's time to Rise and Shine! 




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